The Team

Building the next generation of tax justice champions

The Team

Tax Justice Network Africa (TJNA) is a pan-African research and advocacy organisation established in 2007 and a member of the Global Alliance for Tax Justice (GATJ). Through its Nairobi Secretariat, TJNA collaborates closely with its member organisations and other civil society partners across Africa to curb illicit financial flows (IFFs) and promote progressive taxation systems. TJNA advocates for pro-poor tax policies and the strengthening of tax systems to promote domestic resource mobilisation (DRM). TJNA also plays a leading role in global coalitions committed to tackling the phenomena of global tax avoidance and evasion and achieving fundamental reforms of the current global financial architecture.

The Secretariat administers and coordinates the day-to-day operations of the Tax Justice Network Africa in Nairobi, Kenya and around Africa where TJNA is represented. It comprises five units: Communication, Campaign and Outreach, Institutional Partnership Development, Finance and Administration, Policy then Deputy Executive office. At the head of TJNA’s secretariat is the Executive office. The Secretariats core mandate is to fulfil the mission of the Tax and Justice Network Africa.

Alvin Mosioma

Executive Director

Jason Braganza

Deputy Executive Director

Farah Nguegan

Communication, Campaigns and Outreach Manager

Mercy Karimi

Finance and Administration Manager

Xavier Ndalila

Administrative Assistant

Riva Jalipa

Policy Lead: Fair and Equitable Taxation

Belinda Okungu

Institutional Partnership Development Manager

Jared Maranga

Policy Lead- Tax and Investment Programme

Brian Gituanja

ERP & ICT Adminstrator

Donita Mosoti

Assistant Partnership Officer

Robert Ssuna

Policy Lead-Tax and International Financial Architecture

Damary Juma

Finance Officer

Leonard Wanyama

East Africa Tax and Governance Network Coordinator-EATGN

Esther Leipah

Human Resource Manager

Caroline Othim

Global Campaigns and Policy Coordinator- GATJ

Paul Omondi

Monitoring, Evaluation, Learning & Knowledge Management-Technical Lead

Mildred Olesi

Office Assistant

Zipporah Wanjiku

Finance Assistant

Christopher Wanyonyi

Procurement Intern